Design Document Print Forms
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Design Document Print Forms
This feature lets you design templates for printing the various documents as bills. Once you figure out how to create and edit templates, you will find it very easy to use. You can design the bills for all the available document types such as receipt, payment, purchase, sales, debit note, credit note, goods received note, purchase order, sales order etc.
You can create either Text Print Form or Graphical Print Form templates. Text Print Form format is used for the small bills created using thermal printers. Meanwhile Graphical Print Format is used to make bigger bills which can be printed using normal printers. You can provide a lot of details and colours to the bill template made using GPF format.
To make a new template
Choose the format you want, either TPF or GPF. Then click the New Button. A new blank template will be made. Then click the Open In Designer button.
Then the following window will appear.
At the bottom part of the new window you can see the paper size and format. The bill template can be made in different paper sizes like A4 and A5 with different orientation like Landscape and Portrait. Depending on the requests of the clients choose the appropriate paper size and orientation. There are many premade templates for each type of document for each paper size and format. We usually use the premade templates when designing the template for new clients and add the changes requested by the clients.
Now at the top right part of the screen you can see the different options and controls for creating and editing the template.
Paper size is for choosing the required paper size and orientation. But sometimes you might have to change the default system settings in Printers and Scanners because when you print or preview the output document it may only show the output in the default settings existing in the system settings.
After that’s done you can change it in the software as shown below. First click the Paper Size button.
As you can see above, select the printer which will be the one that is used. Then click the Preferences button. Then select the desired orientation. For Selecting the paper size click the Advanced Button.
Then select the desired paper size and click OK.
Next is the Margins and Page Parts option. It decides how much area should be allotted to the Header, Body and Footer of the template respectively. You can edit these numbers as needed.
Next are the main controls for creating or editing the template.
The Add Control option lets you add a new element to the template and it can be a text box, a field, an image, a rectangle(box) or a line.
These control types can be assigned to the header, body or footer excluding the line and rectangle control type. You can also provide a description for the controls to easily find them when needed later on. Note that the controls added to the body will be repeated according to the number of items being sold or purchased.
The text control lets you add text boxes to the template in which you can add text which can only be changed by editing in the template itself later on.
The field control lets you add a field box where you can select the field type you want to add on the template at particular locations which will automatically show the necessary values by reading the values entered into the document about to be printed. Click the Field button and then click the Add Control option to add a field box to the page. Then right click the field box and select the desired field type you want to place at that particular location.
Image, Line and Rectangle allows you to add the same on the header and footer. Note that if you want to add an image after creating an image field. You need to have saved the required image prior to adding them in the image field.
Next is the Delete Control option. Simply select the control you want to delete and click the Delete Control button.
Properties of Selected Control: Lets you view and edit the existing controls on the template by selecting the desired control and clicking Properties of Selected Control button. It's basically the same as right clicking the control.
The Watermark Option lets you add a watermark to the template being made. It will be visible only in the Output print or preview page. You can change the opacity of the watermark by using the slider right below the Watermark control.
This is an example of one of the premade templates we use.
Control group size and alignment. The group size controls lets you make the selected controls equal in size depending on the specific size control you choose. The different size controls are; To Widest, To Narrowest, To Tallest and To Shortest.
To Widest: Makes all of the selected control boxes equal in size of the widest control field box out of the selected ones.
To Narrowest: Makes all of the selected control boxes equal in size of the narrowest control field box out of the selected ones.
To Tallest: Makes all of the selected control boxes equal in size of the tallest control field box out of the selected ones.
To Shortest: makes all of the selected control boxes equal in size of the shortest control field box out of the selected ones.
Group Alignment
Align left sides: All of the selected control boxes will be aligned left to the farthest selected control box at the left side.
Align right sides: All of the selected control boxes will be aligned right to the farthest selected control box at the right side.
Align bottom edges: All of the selected control boxes will be aligned bottom to the farthest selected control box at the bottom.
Align top edges: All of the selected control boxes will be aligned top to the farthest selected control box at the top.
Write To File, Read to File and Save
Write to file option lets you save the current template to either a GPF or TPF file. Select Write to File and then choose the location where you want to save it and click OK.
Read from File option lets you add a premade template into the application. You can select this option on the client's computer and load the premade templates for each document this way. You can open GPF and TPF files through this option.
After adding the template and making all the necessary changes you can save it by clicking the Save button.
Make sure that the template is clean and compact.
Make sure that the font size is the same throughout the entire template.
Make sure that the connect boxes are the same size and aligned properly so that it does not look weird.
Make sure to add the logo of the company at the appropriate location.
Check whether all the required details have been provided.
Remember to only allocate the controls and fields meant for item, price, tax and total taxable amount in the body area as the controls in the body area will repeat itself according to how many items there are in the document.
Check whether all the provided controls work properly by checking the output preview of any sales, purchase or related document before implementing it into the client's system.
Remember to use the premade templates as the base and make the necessary changes requested by the client.