Purchase Document
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Last updated
To go to a Purchase document screen, go to
Start page > Press P on keyboard for shortcut for Purchase voucher/ click Purchase button on top
To view the particulars of selected document in a custom period, week, month or in a year
The particulars of the document as per the period selected
Parameters to export, navigate, rearrange, print or present the listed particulars graphically
Types of categories of documents
Regular- is the normal type to enter transactions
Draft- is to draft a transaction, this will not affect the records
Template- is to preset a template to easily process transactions through deriving to regular type
Pending- is to record pending transaction that are not complete to process in records
Each button serves its own purpose as it sounds
New: to create a new transaction
Edit: to edit an existing transaction
Delete: to delete an existing transaction
Derive: to derive a regular purchase to purchase return, goods received note
View: to view a saved transaction
Print: to print a saved transaction
Document Tree: to view the related movements of selected document
To create new item from purchase screen
Click on the item selection bar.
Click on new goods or services on the item selection window that appears.
Items>Items> New
Fill in all the details. Only name and unit of measurement is mandatory.
To create a new account from the sales screen
Click the account selection bar.
Click on new account
Accounts > Accounts > New (Name and Account Group is mandatory) > Save
To add extra expenses in a billing interface.
To add any extra expenses incurred in a billing interface:
Click on the account selection bar under the miscellaneous head
Select the expenditure account that is shown in the list
Enter the amount of expense on the respective column
To update prices from the billing interface.
Click on the Update Prices icon
Click on the update price
Then save the particular document in order to update the price.
To enter narration for an invoice.
Click on Narration on the right-end corner on the interface
Then enter the description and narration for the invoice
To remove unwanted columns in the billing interface.
Click on the Select or Move Columns icon on the billing interface
To remove unwanted heads, select the heads to be removed from Selected columns and move those heads to Available columns by using side arrows.
To move between selected columns, use up and down arrows in the window.